
Friday, 10 February 2012

Great Eyebrow Arches Beauty Tips 2012

First, you must choose the correct form for,Front. Form the front depends on the shape of The eye. It should be similar to the eyes and forehead balanced.If you have small eyes, eyebrows should be clarified so do not overwhelm the eye and affected the natural beauty of your eyes.If you have a look full or large, your brow should be completely.
Then you need to know where to go in the front.You must be an eyeshadow brush or pencil and keep them in parallel to meet your toothbrush nose.Where His face is where to start in the front.To find the arc, hold the brush parallel to The outer edge of the colored part of the eye (the iris).When the handle meets the face is where the highest Part of the front, where it belongs.
3: Now you know how you are now To start the tweezers. If you have visited a professional should be sought Strays that are returned. If not, began with the tweezers the inner end of the nose. Make sure clamps His hair pulling in the direction it grows in.


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