
Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Best Vitamins For Acne & 3 VItamins to Combat Acne

Acne is a skin disease that is very complex. There is no perfect remedy for acne. However, certain measures, if sustained, can help prevent this condition, and also a reduction in scar formation, which after the eruptions. There are several ways to prevent and control acne, and topical applications, peels, chemical peels, exercise, diet, etc. to prevent the natural way that acne is the meal, which included the best vitamins for acne. So what are vitamins? Here are three important vitamins to fight acne, helping, among other important nutrients that you should include in your diet.
Top 3 vitamins to fight acne

Vitamin A, B and E are important for a clear complexion and prevent acne. Let's look at its benefits to the skin.

vitamin A
Vitamin A is one of the best vitamins for acne prevention and control. One of the richest sources of this vitamin are carrots. A glass of carrot juice a day will help you get a clear complexion, helps digestion and prevent acne. Other good sources of vitamin A are liver steak with spinach, sweet potatoes, kale, cabbage, squash, chard, kale and peppers. Vitamin A, in which an antioxidant, can help cleanse the pores. So you can eat these food sources to clean your skin, or the use of vitamin creams for topical application.

Vitamin B
The family of B vitamins, there are plenty of B vitamins that help clear skin. B vitamins help to improve circulation. Therefore, the scarring is reduced. It has also proved very beneficial for B12 pigmentation. There are some B vitamins, which are antioxidants that help detoxify and remove impurities from the skin and prevents bacterial growth and buds. Good sources of B vitamins are pork, fish, liver, green vegetables, whole grains, chicken, peanuts, egg yolks, bananas, mushrooms, citrus, etc.

vitamin E
Vitamin E is known for its qualities of known skin care. The vitamin is a powerful antioxidant. This helps to detoxify and prevent premature skin aging. Vitamin E also helps moisturize the skin. Vitamin E in oil form is used to help heal the scars and acne outbreaks. Vitamin E protects the skin against UV rays again. Almonds and sunflower seeds are rich in vitamin E. Other good sources of vitamin E are olives, spinach, papaya, kale, kohlrabi, mustard, and blueberries.

Other foods to fight acne

Above were the three best vitamins for the treatment of acne condition. Several other nutrients also help fight acne much. They contain nutrients such as zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, water and food such as yogurt and green tea.

Zinc: Zinc is a mineral that is often recommended for the treatment of acne. However, some believe that zinc does not allow the treatment of acne at all. If you have low zinc content, then it might be a reason for an acne condition. For zinc levels tested. Zinc acts as an anti-inflammatory, which may further symptoms of acne. However, a very small amount of zinc in the body requires daily. Therefore, make sure that if you take zinc supplements, you should keep the recommended daily intake.

Water: Water is very important to our health and a clear complexion. Therefore, drink plenty of water - washing (2 of 3 liters) per day, the toxins from your body to give, and a radiant complexion. Even drinking water are clear advantages bright eyes, improves energy levels, and improved circulation.

Green tea caffeine is a major cause of skin of the poor, and should be avoided if you have skin problems. Also is dehydration. So instead of caffeine, green tea, do a little of your acne detox diet. 2-3 cups of green tea each day to provide many essential vitamins.

Yogurt: Yogurt kills many harmful bacteria in the body when taken internally. It also contains many other important nutrients to maintain good intestinal health and the health of the skin to help. So think of yogurt with one or two cups a day. You can also make a mask of yogurt and apply topically.

Omega-3 fatty acids omega-3 essential fatty acids help reduce inflammation and help prevent acne. In addition, omega-3 essential for the body and brain health. You can get omega-3 in flaxseed, walnuts, sardines, grouper and salmon. However, the omega-6 to avoid, since it tends to promote inflammation.

These are the nutrients and food sources, to help control and prevent acne. Add these nutrients in your diet and nutrition in adequate amounts for their services. In addition to following a healthy diet, be sure to follow a skin care, skin care to relieve acne. A topical gel or cream can help control and prevent further outbreaks. You can also make your skin clean with regular washing and Waschen.washing.Waschen.washing.


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